BFI-03 Battle Fresh Fighter FILES.3


Orthodox beautiful fighter joins the battle! A new star with high expectations as a baby-faced new heroine makes her appearance!

A pure-hearted new heroine who upholds justice and hates evil challenges a male opponent who uses cowardly tactics!

Fresh fighter Mihomi Tsunano, who specializes in mixed martial arts!
As a model with a pure and innocent baby face, she is a highly anticipated newcomer who embodies the ideal of a heroine! Since she was young, Tsunano has dreamed of becoming a combat heroine, and as a wrestler, she has become a baby-faced defender of justice. Even in the ring, she dreams of fighting for justice and defeating evil. In her debut match, she faces a tough male opponent who is known for using underhanded tactics and is someone Tsunano hates more than anything. However, she does not hesitate to see this as an opportunity to "defeat evil". Despite her gentle and pure appearance, Tsunano's strength as a wrestler is genuine and formidable.

She fights to defeat the evil that lurks in the world of beautiful heroine fighters' battles!
She excels in speedy and technical submission moves and is also skilled in striking techniques. While she can be considered a beautiful heroine wrestler, she also struggles against opponents who have more power and use dirty tactics. But she firmly believes that justice will always prevail! Will Mihomi Tsunano be able to win her debut match and defeat evil? Will she be able to uphold justice and defeat her male opponent who uses cowardly tactics?

The orthodox and pure-hearted beautiful wrestler who upholds justice and hates evil appears boldly on the battle mat to challenge a male opponent who uses dirty tactics!

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