
Dream Match is finally happening here! The current BATTLE Heavyweight Champion and the current B-1 Champion put on an incredible, breathtaking match!

The ultimate match, the best match...! This is the "Super Rare" series that can only be done by the veteran BATTLE, with a complete guarantee of high quality!! Its name is "Pro Style THE BEST NEO." We offer historic matches and important matches that can only be born at this moment!! This is a must-see item that no true fan can go without!!

YUE, who has been leading BWP since the beginning and currently holds the industry's highest authority, the BATTLE Heavyweight Belt, and Oto Alice, a popular fighter who has crossed the boundaries of the organization to win the B-1 Belt, which is highly regarded, finally clash! These two, who hold the highest rank of 1 and 2 as belt holders, respectively, in terms of their status, will have an intense battle on the ring with the pride of champions, even though it is a non-title match between BWP regular soldiers who are usually good friends! The gem of a card that many fans have requested to see in a match is still THE BEST!! Finally, Misaki, who has been attracting attention since her debut, appears in THE BEST!! The incredible match where these two ride the wave and create the "now" is a must-see!!

In the red corner is YUE, an absolute charismatic figure who has made a triumphant comeback after temporarily retiring from live performance and has now won the coveted BATTLE Heavyweight Belt, reigning as the strongest in the industry. She remains hungry for learning new techniques and continues to polish her beauty, becoming even more attractive as a symbol of the industry!

In the blue corner is Oto Alice, a powerhouse fighter who is a core member of BWP and has grown to become the B-1 Champion, who everyone now acknowledges! Her unique skills and the high quality of her offensive and defensive abilities make her a true champion! She is a surefire producer of thrilling matches who receives immense support from her fans!

This long-awaited Dream Match between the two tall, stylish fighters is powerful, dynamic, and glamorous, with a power that far surpasses the Junior class! Their intense and beautiful fight, where they don't back down from each other, is full of strategies that showcase their power, flexibility, and unique skills, with their pride as fighters clashing as well! This is a hot women's pro wrestling match that only those who have fought in the underground mat for a long time can create, with a deep and rich traditional fighting style that is a testament to the name of "THE BEST." Oto Alice, who is known for her aggressive attacks, and YUE, who can withstand and counterattack, have styles that complement each other perfectly!

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