BSKR-01 Comprehensive martial arts knockout Ryona 01


Two possible match outcomes prepared!!
Both fighters face the possibility of a KO loss!!

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport that is composed of various martial arts techniques and skills, and the rules have been developed to allow for the use of these techniques, requiring multiple high-level fighting skills from the fighters. Therefore, both fighters have undergone training with their trainers prior to the match to prepare for it. The two fighters participating in this match are energetic and talented idol fighter Takaragawa Riko and beautiful slender fighter Sonoda Hina. Their techniques and spirit clash in an intense fight!!

Dynamic bodies, glistening sweat, striking blows, grappling, joint locks, and choke holds...
These beautiful fighters are clashing swords and battling it out to the bitter end!!

In the world of MMA, the outcome of a fight can be determined by just a split second of offense and defense. In this work, the storyline branches into two possible outcomes from that moment, resulting in two completely different win-lose scenarios! The use of multiple camera angles allows the audience to enjoy both paths in a fresh and exciting way!! This single match offers twice the entertainment, showcasing the defeat scenes of both fighters in a bargain-packed production!!!

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