FGV-09 Fighting Girls Mix Fight & Image Hikaru Aranami


"Beautiful Appearance and Outstanding Style!! Hikaru Arayama's Beautiful Participation!!"

This is a description of a mix fight and an image clip that was recorded as a demonstration for the participating athletes, for the "Fighting Girls 1 - Inaugural Battle" on July 9th, 2011. The intense battle between men and the sexy expressions of the athletes, which are completely different from the actual game, are captured in this clip. It is full of the charm of Hikaru Arayama.

"We, the Fighting Girls, hereby declare that we will return to the origin that the fans desire and distinguish ourselves from the previous events." "Beautiful women wearing wrestling costumes, fighting with wrestling techniques, and deciding the winner and loser." Although there are many catfight events, is that what the fans really want? Is it what the fans want to see women fighting in frilly clothing that only serves the women's self-satisfaction? Is it what the fans want to see women playing and frolicking while laughing? Is it what the fans want to see a comedy talk show-like event where as long as they can make the audience laugh, it's good enough? No, fans do not want that. Fans want to see women wearing ring costumes that show off their body lines, fighting with all their might, even if they are clumsy, and the outcome is always clear. Isn't that what they want to see up close? We, the Fighting Girls, hereby declare that we will return to the origin that the fans desire and distinguish ourselves from the previous events.

"Beautiful and sexy, she will captivate you!"

Hikaru Arayama, who has the appearance of a young lady and a beautiful style, will captivate you in casual clothes and swimsuits! You can enjoy seeing a beautiful and sexy Hikaru Arayama, which you can never see in the game!

"Bold fight, she will captivate you!"

The mix fight that was performed as a demonstration for "Fighting Girls 1 - Inaugural Battle." Hikaru Arayama, an outstanding young lady fighter with an ace potential in this organization, fights against a man in this match. It's like watching a demonstration of her skills. Hikaru fights hard under pressure, but when it comes to fighting against men, she is eventually overwhelmed by their strength. However, a promising talent like her cannot afford to lose in a place like this!

In the fifth edition, the stylish and elegant wrestler, Hikaru Arayama, appears! She throws men around and tightens them up with powerful attacks that are launched from her innocent appearance during the mix fight. The gap between her appearance and her performance is fantastic! And, in the image scene, she looks very sexy in casual clothes and a swimsuit scene where she gets wet in the shower! Personally, I love the lingering sound of her voice!

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